Publicado 26/07/2024 16:29
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Novashore; an experienced company in nearshoring consulting services

Novashore; an experienced company in nearshoring consulting services
Novashore; an experienced company in nearshoring consulting services - Novacomp

(Información remitida por la empresa firmante)

América del Norte, 26 de julio de 2024.- Although for many years the offshore model has been a cost-effective option for North American companies, it can be overwhelming to manage. This is due to a variety of factors, including geographic distance, cultural contrasts, language barriers, and regulatory and legal differences. For this reason, many companies have turned to nearshoring solutions as an alternative to reduce costs and simplify management. In this area, Novacomp presents a wide variety of innovative business solutions through its nearshoring consulting service. Thus, the firm has positioned itself as a benchmark in the market, working in various industries.

An outstanding track record as a provider of nearshoring services

Novacomp is a company with more than 25 years of experience, which is formed by a team of experts in nearshoring solutions. Through its knowledge, this company has successfully executed more than 6,000 IT projects, satisfying the needs of more than 250 clients. In this regard, the firm has developed a smooth, fast and quality-focused talent acquisition process. This allows organizations to enjoy the benefits of nearshoring strategies without the drawbacks associated with the offshore model.

Novacomp's nearshoring services include Staff Augmentation, Agile Team as a Service, IT Consulting, QA and Software Testing, Cybersecurity, Cloud Services, App Development. In this way, the consulting firm seeks to help companies accelerate their adaptation to digital transformation in order not to lose competitiveness in a dynamic and fast-paced economic scenario. As a result, Novacomp has grown exponentially in recent years, providing nearshoring solutions for sectors such as financial services, telecommunications, healthcare, logistics and manufacturing.

Nearshoring benefits

Digital transformation needs have been a driving factor for many U.S.-based companies to seek more cost-effective outsourcing options. In this regard, Novacomp highlights the main benefits of nearshoring solutions. Among them is the possibility of keeping production in a nearby country, which helps to avoid the high costs involved in the offshore method.

At the same time, this modality allows North American companies to have trained and experienced developers in Latin America. Likewise, this type of strategy favors better communication and greater control, enabling successful project execution and optimal organizational management.

In short, the nearshoring outsourcing model for digital transformation is a cost-effective, efficient and much simpler option than offshore. For its implementation, Novashore offers a specialized service, with a team of more than 800 collaborators working in more than 20 countries in Latin America.




Emisor: Novacomp

Contacto: Gabinete Periodístico

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