Publicado 22/08/2022 04:33
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Andrés Rubio appointed as acting President and CEO of Intrum

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The Board of Directors of Intrum AB (publ) ("Intrum") has come to an agreement with Anders Engdahl, who will step down from his position as President and CEO of Intrum and leave the company with immediate effect. The Board has appointed current Board member Andrés Rubio as acting President and CEO. The recruitment of a permanent solution will commence during the autumn.

"Anders Engdahl was internally recruited from the CFO role to the CEO position, with the specific intent of driving the ONE Intrum transformation, which is now underway after heavy lifting. Over the last couple of years, he has managed to grow as well as transform the company into a more efficient organisation. However, the Board believes that the company has not delivered on its market-leading position and full potential, mainly due to insufficient commercial development. Consequently, the Board has concluded that a more transformation-oriented and commercial leadership with a proven track record of similar transformation is needed to realise the full value of Intrum", says Magnus Lindquist, Chairman of the Board of Intrum.

"The Board of Intrum would like to take this opportunity to thank Anders Engdahl for his contribution and hard work for the company. We wish him the best in his future endeavours", adds Magnus Lindquist.

Until the closure of the recruitment process of a permanent President and CEO, Andrés Rubio will serve as acting President and CEO. Andrés Rubio, born in 1968, has extensive experience from several management positions (including Cerberus, Apollo Management International, and Altamira Asset Management) and was appointed Board member of Intrum in 2019.

"Andrés has an extensive, two-decade long experience within the industry, with a profound understanding of the CMS business as well as portfolio investments. He has a proven track record as a leader, characterised by attentive, transparent, and consistent leadership. Qualities that the Board believes to be decisive going forward, as we aim to accelerate the commercial development of the company. Andrés has the experience, humility, and leadership qualities to secure the development of Intrum in the near future. Having been on the board for more than three years, Andrés is well familiar with the company, our people, and ways of working", Magnus Lindquist continues.

"I am both excited and honoured to take on the role as acting President and CEO of Intrum. Having worked closely with the company for more than three years, I am well aware of the opportunities and challenges facing the company. The future of Intrum is bright and we are yet to see the best of this company. Going forward, my main focus will be to strengthen and speed up the commercial development of Intrum. My ambition is also to create a clearer organisational structure with shorter decision-making paths and improved ways of working underpinned by the strong Intrum culture and with greater client focus", says Andrés Rubio.

Andrés Rubio assumes the position as President and CEO of Intrum with immediate effect and remains a member of the Board.

For further information, please contact:Magnus Lindquist, Chairman of the Board+46 733 16 09 63

Anna Fall, Chief Brand & Communications Officer+46 709 96 98 21Mail:

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