Publicado 29/03/2023 15:04
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Lindab's Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2022

(Información remitida por la empresa firmante)

GREVIE, Sweden, March 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Lindab has today published the Annual report and Sustainability report for 2022 in Swedish and English.

Indoor air quality is key to our health, especially since we spend most of our time indoors. This year's annual report focuses on healthy indoor environments and how Lindab contributes to improving them even further. 'For a better climate' is Lindab's overall purpose - to develop energy-efficient solutions for healthy indoor environments, and to do it in a way that also supports a better climate for our planet.

Lindab has also expanded the sustainability information and included a number of new KPIs in this year's report.

The annual report and sustainability report is available at

This disclosure contains information that Lindab is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 29-03-202314:53 CET.


Catharina PaulcénHead of Corporate CommunicationsE-mail: catharina.paulcen@lindab.comMobile: +46 (0) 701 48 99 65

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