Publicado 19/01/2023 22:01
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TF Bank AB has received approval to change method for calculating the capital requirement for operational risk

(Información remitida por la empresa firmante)

BORAS, Sweden, Jan. 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority has given TF Bank permission to use the Alternative Standardised Approach to calculate the capital requirement for operational risk. The change results in the capital requirement for operational risk being significantly closer to the business' own perception of its operational risks. The approval has strengthened TF Bank's capital situation.

TF Bank is changing its method for calculating operational risk from the Standardised Approach to the Alternative Standardised Approach. Applied to TF Bank per 30 September 2022, the total capital ratio would have increased from 15.0 % to 16.2 %, compared with the regulatory requirement of 11.8 %. The Tier 1 capital ratio would have increased from 13.4 % to 14.4 %, compared with the regulatory requirement of 9.6 %. The Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio would have increased from 11.7 % to 12.7 %, compared with the regulatory requirement of 8.0 %.

For further information, please contact:Mikael Meomuttel, CFO and Head of Investor Relations +46 (0)70 626 95 33

TF Bank in briefTF Bank was founded 1987 and is an internet-based niche bank offering consumer banking services and e-commerce solutions through a proprietary IT platform with a high degree of automation. Deposit and lending activities are conducted in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Austria and Spain through branch or cross-border banking. The operations are divided into three segments: Consumer Lending, Credit Cards and Ecommerce Solutions. TF Bank is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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