Publicado 12/07/2022 09:00
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Ukrainian- and Dutch-based startup raises 7M in seed funding to grow its global print API platform

BRESKENS, Netherlands, July 12, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --, the Ukrainian- and Dutch-based global print API platform raised 7M in a seed round led by Capital Mills, with participation from Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM) and a Dutch family office. This round follows's early 2019 3M pre-seed round and brings the total funding of the company to 10M.

With a print network consisting of more than 170 print partners, provides local print on demand in more than 104 countries and brings the supply chain closer to the end customer. manages and fulfills print jobs for its customers around the globe and significantly shortens shipping distance which lowers shipping costs and reduces carbon emissions. Furthermore, customers won't deal with import duties, as the products aren't imported anymore.

In the past few years, has built an ecosystem consisting of print providers, eCommerce marketplaces, and print buyers around its platform. Top-notch eCommerce brands are using the platform to grow their business in markets that they otherwise can't fulfill and at the same time support local communities and society. currently employs 80 people and operates in more than 104 countries. With the funding raised, strives to expand its sales and product teams and sustain its 300% growth rate from 2021 to 2022.

Martijn Eier, CEO and Founder "We are delighted to accelerate our aim to make global printing more sustainable, together with our trustful investors and partners. It's a great confirmation, especially for our Ukrainian team, that our investors believe in our unique and disruptive approach".

René Delsing from Capital Mills says: "Given the tough circumstances has to deal with, it is truly impressive what the team has achieved in the past months. The team morale and growth pace are exceptional. We couldn't be more proud to be part of their journey to disrupt this industry and become a global leader. Customer reviews and market research underpin their growth potential".

Robin Franken from BOM says: "Due to their global and unique approach is able to achieve fast commercial growth which in turn results in a more sustainable print industry by (amongst other things) vastly shortening the shipping distances. We are excited about the progression the venture has made in the last few years and are confident that the team will use these new funds to accelerate its growth even more".

About Capital Mills: Netherlands based Capital Mills is a venture capitalist founded in 2015 and backed by a group of experienced entrepreneurial investors. Focused on longterm collaboration and active support it invests in fast-growing B2C tech startups and B2B SaaS companies with state-of-the-art technology and ambitious founders.

About BOM: Climate-Neutral Energy Solutions Together with entrepreneurs BOM focuses on the fossil-fuel-free generation of electricity and heat, energy conservation in buildings and production processes, and the creation of new technologies that help Brabant cut its CO2 emissions and accelerate the energy transition. BOM also supports emerging companies with an impact on Promising Key Technologies, a Healthy Future, and Sustainable Food Systems. BOM. Catalyzing Change


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